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Clinton & GTA


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Yesterday (March 29), former U.S. First Lady and now Senator Hilary Clinton had something to say about the Grand Theft Auto series and games alike it.

She remarked, "Children are playing a game that encourages them to have sex with prostitutes and then murder them." She also added, "This is a silent epidemic of media desensitisation that teaches kids it's okay to diss people because they are a woman, they're a different colour, or they're from a different place."

Hilary Clinton would also like a $90 million-dollar investigation to be developed to look into the GTA series and the other violent games like it. This will impact the "cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development" of children, according to a Sunday Times article.

Read More: IGN.com

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  Cough7007 said:
Yesterday (March 29), former U.S. First Lady and now Senator Hilary Clinton had something to say about the Grand Theft Auto series and games alike it.

She remarked, "Children are playing a game that encourages them to have sex with prostitutes and then murder them." She also added, "This is a silent epidemic of media desensitisation that teaches kids it's okay to diss people because they are a woman, they're a different colour, or they're from a different place."

Hilary Clinton would also like a $90 million-dollar investigation to be developed to look into the GTA series and the other violent games like it. This will impact the "cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development" of children, according to a Sunday Times article.

Read More: IGN.com

look we all know hillarys a bitch right its the paernts fault for buyin there 5 yr old the damn game why cant the govememt let us have fun for once .

Edited by Crimson Dragon
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Because the government just loves to control every bit of your rights.

It does not take 90 million dollars to investigate games. It takes a couple hundred, that's just to buy the games. Then you get a few kids to play the games, and hell, what kid won't play games for free? Then you study all these kids and some kids that aren't playing the games and BAM! Research as cheap as a couple hundred dollars.

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It's just so dumb. Out of all of the things you can do in GTA, she schoses to investigate the "hooker" part. Most people don't even have sex in GTA anymore. What's the big deal? Hilary is just some kind of woman's rights leader or something... excuse my language, but, what a bitch...

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  Spasmodically_Insane said:
Yeah, everyone did it a couple times in III because it was hilarious to watch the car bounce. I did it a few times in Vice City for the health, and in SA I'd pick them up but normally just drive around so I had a passenger.

Yeah really, :thumbsup: Oh Wow! Hillary has played GTA? How in the world would she know about GTA without playing it? Soon they will be taking everything off of TV including Teletubbies saying its too mature for children. So what its just a game, how does she know that kids are buying this game?...So many questions unanswered and such a butthead to say that crap.

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You have to admit, she has more respect than Jack Thompson, but still no power to ban GTA games, she probably heard something about it or watched a scene and all of a sudden she wants to ban that game.

But she wont, laws wont let her, she can try, but she wont do nothing.

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  SanAndreas1829 said:
QUOTE(SanAndreas1829 on his forum :D)
Dont hate the Game, hate the Playa

ps. im referring to GTA as the game and teh player as the... player, jst so you noobs dont say something stupid.

That bitch better not hate me for playing GTA. We should all get PSPs, GTA PSP, and protest infront of her house and yell shit like "HAHA! I SCREWED THAT PROSTITUTE THEN KILLED HER! I'M SOO LEET!" B)

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i played gta sa for over 50 hours in the first week and it never made me want to kill any 1 or have sex with a hooker most ppl look for things to blame when kids go out and do bad things like they tryed to blame maryln manson 4 the shootings at colmbie i think that it should be up to the parents to tell there kids what they can see and what not they want them to see

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