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The Ballad of Gay Tony achievements


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Grand Theft Auto IV received an Xbox 360 title update today which adds 10 new achievements to the game. The achievements are worth a total of 250 points and bring the game's total to 1500. All the new additions are of course for The Ballad of Gay Tony.

TBoGT: Gone Down - 5

Complete all base jumps. (The Ballad of Gay Tony)

TBoGT: Diamonds Forever - 5

Complete the Trinity. (The Ballad of Gay Tony)

TBoGT: Four Play - 10

Hit a flag with a golf ball four times. (The Ballad of Gay Tony)

TBoGT: Bear Fight - 15

Win the L.C. Cage Fighters championship. (The Ballad of Gay Tony)

TBoGT: Catch the Bus - 15

Dance perfectly in both Tony's nightclubs. (The Ballad of Gay Tony)

TBoGT: Snow Queen - 20

Complete 25 drug wars. (The Ballad of Gay Tony)

TBoGT: Adrenaline Junkie - 25

Freefall for the longest possible time. (The Ballad of Gay Tony)

TBoGT: Maestro - 30

Finish the Ballad. (The Ballad of Gay Tony)

TBoGT: Past the Velvet Rope - 45

Score 80% or above in all missions. (The Ballad of Gay Tony)

TBoGT: Gold Star - 80

Score 100% in all missions. (The Ballad of Gay Tony)

Thanks to Xbox360Achievements.org for this.

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