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Another Fake GTA4 Screen Surfaces


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Yesterday afternoon I received an email which was being circulated to many other people, purportedly from a "disgruntled ex-employee of Rockstar", which had an image attached, supposedly being a picture taken with a digital camera of GTA4 being played on a TV screen. It's an obvious fake, this has actually been confirmed by Rockstar themselves. I didn't post about this yesterday because I didn't think so many people would get so fired up by it. I casually added it to our Fake Screens page and left it, but since it even managed to make the front page of Digg and also appeared on respected gaming sites such as Eurogamer I thought I may as well post it too...


Click for the full image...

This "ex-employee" doesn't have a name so there's nobody to give credit to, but if you have made any fan art or indeed any fake screenshots then be sure to email them to me, I'll put them up on the relevant pages.

This also goes for Vice City Stories, I added one fake screenshot today, you can see that on the VCS Fake Screens page.

UPDATE: I decided to investigate the origin of this email a little more, after seeing the IP address it came from, then peforming a WHOIS lookup on the IP, I found that the reverse DNS pointed to mail.imagine-publishing.co.uk. This is interesting because imagine-publishing.co.uk do publish gaming magazines including PowerStation, 360, X360, Games tm, Play, Retro gamer, and many others including Photoshop and web design magazines. My guess is that one of the team must have got bored during a lunch break while sipping his hot coffee and put together this screen...

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Let's count the reasons why this fake screen is possibly worse than the first one:

1) Messy HUD

2) 3D Radar (Even if Rockstar did do this, it would be more detailed and all-around better looking

3) Playing as a woman (Highly unlikely, considering that in every other game you played as a male, and Rockstar is smart enough to keep this moneymaking formula.

4) Not enough peds on screen

5) Driv3rish crappy graphics

6) Not enough detail on cars

7) Peds are all wearing recent-looking clothes, while all the cars look pre-80s.

If you're going to build up hype for GTA, put more effort into it.

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  Chris said:
Yeah for some reason the guy sent it to ALL our staff members, plus a bunch of other random people, and a couple of other webmasters.

This explains why I got it....

I posted it around I think..... Maybe? Oh well. Perhaps I forgot.

  Slayer said:
That was supposed to be "a 3D radar". Crappy job, it looks like a bowl of fruit to me. :rofl2:

I thought it was a round thing with Jello sitting on it. Not until someone SAID it was a map did I know it was one.

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Those screens are terrible!! Surely Rockstar wont just re-hash the GTA3 mould ie; third person,blip-radar,health bar ect..... im hoping for a real leap with the next gen incarnation.From top down pixels to 3D polygon every generation has evolved....although GT3 still had a top down view.And GTA2 on the dreamcast :s I want GT4 to replace everygame in my game collection,i hope it will utilise every genre and blow them all away.like san andreas did

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  888ball said:
Whats with the bowl of cereal anyway?

LOL. The first time I saw the screen up close I could tell it was a radar but when I was looking at the picture in this thread it look so much like a bowl of cereal I thought how did that get here. The screen looks really weird and horrible, although I can't wait until R* release the first screens of GTA4. :D

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That's exactly what I'm hoping for. Not just the-same-but-a-bit-better, but everything actually being new, with the same taste and basic gameplay of the previous versions.

Games that have been almost identical:

GTA3, Vice City, San Andreas, Liberty City Stories, Vice City Stories = 5

Hopefully not a San Andreas Stories coming soon, I doubt the PSP would handle that (even though the same PS2 that GTA3 was on was made to handle SA).

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  Gerard said:
That's exactly what I'm hoping for. Not just the-same-but-a-bit-better, but everything actually being new, with the same taste and basic gameplay of the previous versions.

Hm, dunno if it's a good idea to have 3D instead of 2D radar. It looks rather...confusing. :blink:

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this is a very sad pathetic non-convincing pic. wen i first saw the radar i too thot it was a bowl. i thot the buildings where sticks of cheese. i thot the purple thing was jello. and the brown thing was rather a carrot or a chicken leg. and the black thing was a basket ball hoop..........? this is a cartoon pic. the only cartoon pics of gta are the box clip-art. i looked at this pic for like ever and saw that the people are sims. look at the way the girl is walking. there is just absolutely nothing convincing me and probably everyone els that this picture is from gta 4. nothing

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I myself can only spot an error in the developer code thing at the top right corner, which is somewhat cut off on the TV. Otherwise, I can't see the "obvious" fakeness in the shot. All games in developement, especially one like GTA4 which hasn't had any true released screen shots or even artwork to compare, end up looking much different in their finished state than in their development time, so the light cartoony look is sorta explained. The dog and the pedestrians look somewhat retarded, but again, development. All GTA games usually use the same car set, with a few mild changes, so the appearance of older cars isn't exactly a big deal, even moreso if you're near a ghetto area.

While I highly doubt it's real, I wouldn't rightly have dismissed it so early if the entire GTA community wasn't bashing it one at a time for a small detail each.

Also, I could easily label the 3D radar and, with a bit a tweaking, could actually be a neat addition. Just have it that tall buildings "fade out" when they'd get in your way, and make it optional so older fans won't be totally alienated.

Edited by Slavik Von Stockholm
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