GTA Liberty City Stories updates

By Adriaan | 13th Jun 2005 at 14:20 GMT in Liberty City Stories | 6 Comments

<img src="" width="150" height="105" border="1" align="left"> • Vehicles in the game have been redesigned to fit the 1998 era.• Thanks to the PSP's wide screen more could be displayed in-game.• Familiar GTA3 locations, like Salvatore Leone's mansion, are seen everywhere.• The missions will be subtly shorter to suit handheld gaming tastes.

OPS2: "What about multiplayer?Dan Houser: "We're still obsessed with the single player at this point."OPS2:" Can we ask about Aerial transport...?"Dan Houser: "I don't think we have it. Motorbikes are our big thing at this point. That required certain workings on the map, and to do the other stuff [planes] would require more... it would end up..."
Then Dan Houser stopped his sentence! Also I have been getting a few emails asking if the game is going to come out for either the PS2 or PS3. Well, I can confirm that GTA LCS will come out exclusively only for the Sony PSP. Any more questions? <a href="mailto:[email protected]" target="_blank">Email me!</a>
tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 13th June, 2005 @ 19:13 - Permalink
Thanks to the PSP's wide screen more could be displayed in-game.

What does this mean?

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 13th June, 2005 @ 19:45 - Permalink

It means you can view GTA on a 16:9 aspect ratio! Meaning alot on screen!

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 13th June, 2005 @ 20:07 - Permalink

Alot on screen?

do you mean, i can see more at a time without turning around?

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 13th June, 2005 @ 20:58 - Permalink

Something like that. Its just wider.

Plo Koon's photo
Plo Koon 14th June, 2005 @ 03:03 - Permalink

nice screenshot the game is looking very good. Those vehicles look modern to this day of course. I can't wait to get a PSP and the get GTA LCS. The graphics on the GTA LCS are going to be pro. :D

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 14th June, 2005 @ 15:53 - Permalink

Yeah its awesome! The moment I recieved it on Friday, I was like wow!!! Soon this is going to be all over the web and people are going to go crazy!! And it did turn out that way. I mean I got like over 4800 unique visitors yesterday for .

People are gonna go mad for this game!!