Two magazines in Europe have received a preview of Vice City Stories recently. The first being GamesMaster. No new screens appear in the mag but we can surmise the following information from it:
Secondly, Official PlayStation 2 Magazine France have also received a preview. As my ability to read French isn't too strong, I can't clarify that the following information is 100% accurate (online translators aren't good). If you speak French fluently please let me know via PM or E-Mail if you can clarify the info.
Thanks to Ultimate Taz for his scans of Games Master, and Genius for the OPS2M France info.
Everyone updates within 2-3 hours of eachother. I know. I watch multiple GTA sites. I like to make sure everyone is updating roughly around the same time. If they aren't, I help them out.
Amazing news. I love it. WiFi surprise? Badass! I love Wifi! I love surprises! Win-win!