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NameRatingDownloadsAuthorLast Updated
Pinned: SA-MP 0.3.7
3.7/5 (2369 Votes)3.7/5 (2369 Votes)3.7/5 (2369 Votes)3.7/5 (2369 Votes)3.7/5 (2369 Votes)362,927SA-MP Team2nd Jul 2016
Pinned: VC-MP 0.4
3.5/5 (885 Votes)3.5/5 (885 Votes)3.5/5 (885 Votes)3.5/5 (885 Votes)3.5/5 (885 Votes)225,570VC-MP Team2nd Jul 2016
Pinned: MTASA 1.5.2
3.7/5 (1224 Votes)3.7/5 (1224 Votes)3.7/5 (1224 Votes)3.7/5 (1224 Votes)3.7/5 (1224 Votes)167,359MTA Team2nd Jul 2016
Pinned: MTA 0.5 (GTA3 and VC)
3.4/5 (717 Votes)3.4/5 (717 Votes)3.4/5 (717 Votes)3.4/5 (717 Votes)3.4/5 (717 Votes)134,538MTA Team1st Jul 2016
Pinned: OpenIV
3.5/5 (752 Votes)3.5/5 (752 Votes)3.5/5 (752 Votes)3.5/5 (752 Votes)3.5/5 (752 Votes)219,433GooD-NTS13th May 2015
Pinned: Script Hook V + Native Trainer
3.4/5 (283 Votes)3.4/5 (283 Votes)3.4/5 (283 Votes)3.4/5 (283 Votes)3.4/5 (283 Votes)30,699Alexander Blade3rd May 2015
Pinned: ENBSeries GTAIV v0.135 graphics
3.3/5 (31 Votes)3.3/5 (31 Votes)3.3/5 (31 Votes)3.3/5 (31 Votes)3.3/5 (31 Votes)12,082BorisVorontsov20th Jan 2013
Pinned: ENBSeries GTAVC v0.0075c3 graphics
3.6/5 (99 Votes)3.6/5 (99 Votes)3.6/5 (99 Votes)3.6/5 (99 Votes)3.6/5 (99 Votes)30,479BorisVorontsov20th Jan 2013
Pinned: ENBSeries GTA3 v0.0075 graphics
3.6/5 (54 Votes)3.6/5 (54 Votes)3.6/5 (54 Votes)3.6/5 (54 Votes)3.6/5 (54 Votes)18,880BorisVorontsov20th Jan 2013
Pinned: ENBSeries GTASA v0.075c3 graphics change
4/5 (2973 Votes)4/5 (2973 Votes)4/5 (2973 Votes)4/5 (2973 Votes)4/5 (2973 Votes)721,429BorisVorontsov20th Jan 2013
Pinned: SparkIV 0.6.4
3.7/5 (630 Votes)3.7/5 (630 Votes)3.7/5 (630 Votes)3.7/5 (630 Votes)3.7/5 (630 Votes)269,227aru27th Dec 2009
Pinned: GTA IV PC Patch v1.0.4.0
3.7/5 (1810 Votes)3.7/5 (1810 Votes)3.7/5 (1810 Votes)3.7/5 (1810 Votes)3.7/5 (1810 Votes)2,003,918Rockstar Games11th Jul 2009
Pinned: IV Needle
3.6/5 (55 Votes)3.6/5 (55 Votes)3.6/5 (55 Votes)3.6/5 (55 Votes)3.6/5 (55 Votes)18,378CoMPMStR14th Feb 2009
Pinned: LC-MP 0.3z
3.5/5 (132 Votes)3.5/5 (132 Votes)3.5/5 (132 Votes)3.5/5 (132 Votes)3.5/5 (132 Votes)29,443VC-MP Team5th Jan 2008
Pinned: San Andreas Mod Installer 1.1
3.5/5 (16920 Votes)3.5/5 (16920 Votes)3.5/5 (16920 Votes)3.5/5 (16920 Votes)3.5/5 (16920 Votes)5,203,737cpmusick22nd Sep 2005
Pinned: GTAGarage Mod Manager 2.3C
3.3/5 (969 Votes)3.3/5 (969 Votes)3.3/5 (969 Votes)3.3/5 (969 Votes)3.3/5 (969 Votes)205,904GTAGarage5th Aug 2005
Pinned: TXD Workshop 4.0B
3.6/5 (2871 Votes)3.6/5 (2871 Votes)3.6/5 (2871 Votes)3.6/5 (2871 Votes)3.6/5 (2871 Votes)1,024,107Delfi26th Jul 2005
Pinned: IMG Tool 2.0
3.5/5 (15087 Votes)3.5/5 (15087 Votes)3.5/5 (15087 Votes)3.5/5 (15087 Votes)3.5/5 (15087 Votes)5,470,508Spooky22nd Jun 2005
Pinned: GTA Mod Installer v5.0 beta
3.5/5 (10654 Votes)3.5/5 (10654 Votes)3.5/5 (10654 Votes)3.5/5 (10654 Votes)3.5/5 (10654 Votes)2,427,832cpmusick17th Nov 2004
Pinned: Vice City 1.1 Patch
3.5/5 (580 Votes)3.5/5 (580 Votes)3.5/5 (580 Votes)3.5/5 (580 Votes)3.5/5 (580 Votes)204,341Rockstar Games2nd May 2004
Pinned: GTA3 1.1 Patch
3.6/5 (489 Votes)3.6/5 (489 Votes)3.6/5 (489 Votes)3.6/5 (489 Votes)3.6/5 (489 Votes)169,127Rockstar Games2nd May 2004
Pinned: Vice City Mod Manager (VCMM)
3.4/5 (1120 Votes)3.4/5 (1120 Votes)3.4/5 (1120 Votes)3.4/5 (1120 Votes)3.4/5 (1120 Votes)334,609LithJoe14th Feb 2004
Pinned: DMagic1's VC Wheelmod (VCM)
3.2/5 (991 Votes)3.2/5 (991 Votes)3.2/5 (991 Votes)3.2/5 (991 Votes)3.2/5 (991 Votes)240,713dmagic114th Feb 2004
Pinned: DMagic1's GTA3 Wheel Mod
3.3/5 (448 Votes)3.3/5 (448 Votes)3.3/5 (448 Votes)3.3/5 (448 Votes)3.3/5 (448 Votes)97,029dmagic114th Feb 2004
Cooper's Stunting Map
3/5 (4 Votes)3/5 (4 Votes)3/5 (4 Votes)3/5 (4 Votes)3/5 (4 Votes)958Cooper2500019th Jul 2023
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