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VC Custom Female Player Animations 3.1
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Author: Masked Marauder Views: 95,007
Added: 4th Jan 2011 Downloads: 22,049
Last Update: 4th Mar 2011 Last Downloaded: 10:54 on 12th Mar 2025
Version: 3.1 Rating: 3.8/5 (77 Votes)3.8/5 (77 Votes)3.8/5 (77 Votes)3.8/5 (77 Votes)3.8/5 (77 Votes) (77 Votes)
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Vice City Custom Female Player Animations 3.1

by Masked Marauder

There are 3 files included with this mod. Use whichever ones that you wish to, all of them do not need to be installed.

This mod is meant for Vice City Gamers who choose to use a female player model instead of Tommy Vercetti. The object is to give your female character a more feminine posture and movement. Some of the animations have had only subtle changes made, like rotating and straightening parts of the meshes to remove distortion. Many have had the feet/ankles straightened, the knees moved closer together, the shoulders brought forward, the upper spine and neck made more vertical, the head turned to face straight ahead, the elbows brought in closer to the body, and the hands/fingers extended slightly. A few of the animations have had slightly more drastic editing done. Try to see if you can spot them, should not be too tough to pick them out.

UPDATE 3.0 TO 3.1:
Restores the animation "idle stand" contained in the file "ped.ifp" back to the default. Unfortunately, I discovered that this file is not used just by the player, which is too bad because it is probably one of the most used animations. Yet it did not look quite right to have the cops standing on their toes while they were trying to kill my character. Perhaps in the future I will be able to add and assign player specific animations, but I am not sure yet if that idea can work.

Make backup copies of any of your current files that you replace.

- The file "ped.ifp" is meant for a female player model. It uses modified female player animations that affect the way that your character stands, walks, and runs (not sprint); with or without a weapon. This file goes into the folder "anim".

- The file "playidles.ifp" changes 4 of the player idle animations. Instead of stretching or checking the time, your player will now use modified dance animations instead.

- The file "strip.ifp" changes how the strippers and pedestrians dance at the clubs. It uses the same modified animations as "playidles.ifp". It affects males as well as females because they use the same animations.

- The files "playidles.ifp" and "strip.ifp" must be placed in your gta3.img archive.

The default file paths are:
"*Program FilesRockstar GamesGrand Theft Auto Vice Cityanim"


"*Program FilesRockstar GamesGrand Theft Auto Vice Citymodelsgta3.img"

Use your back up copies of the files that have been changed to revert back to the default male animations. If you use a clothing pick up that switches to a male model the animations will remain unchanged. You will have to swap the files manually if you wish to continue using a male character.

The default in-game model of Candy Suxxx was used to edit these animations. The effort was made to make them look as good as I could possibly get them; however, how well they work is going to be affected by the model that you choose for your player. Default Vice City game models will most likely function the best. Modified, converted, and high definition models are unknowns. There are many factors relating to models that can affect how well ANY animations work. For example, the model that I used for editing uses the finger bones. From past experience of editing almost all of the default female peds, which includes Vice City and San Andreas, many of them do not have vertexes assigned to the finger bones at all. In other words, I can not make any promises. Choose a model, try them out, and see how they look.


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