Possible GTA V hint in EfLC manual?

By Chris | 28th Oct 2009 at 20:29 GMT in GTA IV | 63 Comments

Fans who have pre-ordered Episodes from Liberty City have been receiving their copies, some fans spotted something interesting on page 13 of the manual. "Liberty City, It's over! Next stop". Take a look at this:


It's a small, not particularly detailed picture, so we can't really tell much from it. Yet. What do you think?

Credit to DigiShine on GTAForums for the scan.

Blur's photo
Blur 28th October, 2009 @ 21:03 - Permalink

Rockstar is just messing with us, :lol: and I love it. Some things that came across my mind were Vice City, an

island, or mountains. The GTAforums had some pretty intersting ideas, like one of them put the small pieces

together and it made a face. Also take note at the "Opens March Everywhere".

NotYouHaha's photo
NotYouHaha 28th October, 2009 @ 21:17 - Permalink

Lol, Rockstar is so awesome. :P

We're doing exactly what they want, to believe that they're moving on from Liberty City, and to get us speculating. ;)

Not much to say, but the rip-like part of the poster reminds me of those games/contests where you identify what it is from that small part. Of course, I don't think anyone will ever find out until word from Rockstar Games. :)

Chris's photo
Chris 29th October, 2009 @ 01:49 - Permalink

Well to be perfectly honest I don't think staying in LC will be good. I still want Vice City. I'm hoping what we're actually looking at in that small tear is actually palm trees on a Miami beach.... if you look at it a certain way... it kinda looks it :P

Bustago's photo
Bustago 29th October, 2009 @ 05:21 - Permalink

To me the colours look like sort of "vice cityish" but i cant seem to make out anything from that little picture. i reckon the "opens march everywhere" is the release of the new game next year because then it would've been 2 years since gtaIv came out. and 2 years is kind of the sort of gap that rockstar gives between games

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 29th October, 2009 @ 06:48 - Permalink

Before they make a new gta city, i would love for them to remake vice and SAN ANDREAS with this game engine... that would be great :dribble:

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th October, 2009 @ 09:48 - Permalink

Although I haven't played the storyline of GTA IV (getting the game next week when im 18) I think they should go with something totally new, like London, Tokyo or something like that.

Jezz Torrent's photo
Jezz Torrent 29th October, 2009 @ 15:45 - Permalink

To me the colours look like sort of "vice cityish" but i cant seem to make out anything from that little picture. i reckon the "opens march everywhere" is the release of the new game next year because then it would've been 2 years since gtaIv came out. and 2 years is kind of the sort of gap that rockstar gives between games

actually, the normal gap is one year

the only 2 year gap was between vice city and san andreas

FIS's photo
FIS 30th October, 2009 @ 15:41 - Permalink

Its Vice City ;D

Proof vcproof.jpg

Tipper's photo
Tipper 30th October, 2009 @ 21:45 - Permalink

Personally I think il could be Paris, let me explain why.

The shape looks a lot like the north-western part of France :


Now look at this :


This movie, New York I love you, is a sequel to the movie Paris Je t'aime :


Look at the rewards, Toronto and Cannes 2006, it looks a lot like 'Official entrant LC Film Festival' :


TM™'s photo
TM™ 31st October, 2009 @ 14:57 - Permalink

You guys really have some great proof to back you up, but we can't even be sure yet if it's those places. But you guys have got some great stuff there.

Jezz Torrent's photo
Jezz Torrent 1st November, 2009 @ 07:09 - Permalink

if its in paris im gonna be pissed

i want it to stay in america

fatalgamer's photo
fatalgamer 1st November, 2009 @ 10:36 - Permalink

To me the colours look like sort of "vice cityish" but i cant seem to make out anything from that little picture. i reckon the "opens march everywhere" is the release of the new game next year because then it would've been 2 years since gtaIv came out. and 2 years is kind of the sort of gap that rockstar gives between games

The color is very Vicy City-esc. It looks, to me, to be from a light green button up shirt like the one Tommy V wore in Vice City. Though his might have been a bit more blue. As for the two years thing, I agree! I've been saying that we'll hear something of GTA V before the end of 2010. I think this kind of backs that up. I just picture Rockstar releasing the full image and it being a guy wearing a green button up shirt, slacks, pulling down his shades with a cigarette in his mouth and palm trees and bikini babes behind him.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 1st November, 2009 @ 12:06 - Permalink

That france idea is pretty good (the way you back it up), would be interesting if it is in Paris, not sure if Paris is renowned for its crime.

Still think London would be a great option, if anyone has seen the films Kidulthood and Adulthood I think you'll know why. Though if it is London it should have all the 2012 Olympic Stadiums that are being built.

Rowie235's photo
Rowie235 1st November, 2009 @ 13:48 - Permalink

After that little bit of work by Tipper there, Paris is looking pretty feasible. That is some tight evidence, but would rockstar make it that easy so quickly?

(My thoughts? Bring on VC.)

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 1st November, 2009 @ 17:27 - Permalink

I'm pretty sure Vice City will be the next game. I think Rockstar will make a new Vice City, then San Andreas after that, and then a completely new storyline, with a new city(s) and no returning characters. Then they could build another series of games and just continue from there.

The 2 ideas ^ up there, the most likely is the Paris one, the VC one doesn't work as well.

_Ray's photo
_Ray 2nd November, 2009 @ 01:00 - Permalink

Well to be perfectly honest I don't think staying in LC will be good. I still want Vice City. I'm hoping what we're actually looking at in that small tear is actually palm trees on a Miami beach.... if you look at it a certain way... it kinda looks it :P

A remake of Vice City or San Andreas would be absolutely awesome. HD, and a way bigger map like what they did with IV over III/LCS.

I honestly think that they will definetly go with either San Andreas or Vice City for GTA V.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 2nd November, 2009 @ 20:57 - Permalink

To be honest I think having a re done Vice City or San Andreas would be boring, I want something new and not a whole revamp of past games. I would like to see remakes of better San Andreas and Vice City but not yet.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 3rd November, 2009 @ 08:31 - Permalink

It will be Vice City. If its not I lose all internets.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 3rd November, 2009 @ 12:10 - Permalink

It will almost definitaly be Vice. A lot of fans would be annoyed if it wasn't and I think rockstar know that. While the Paris theory is very good (I gave you +1 rep for that) it just seems far too unlikely as Paris seems awfully random for GTA.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 4th November, 2009 @ 02:45 - Permalink

Its Vice City ;D


Because the ripped shape is sort of in the shape of a V? That's hardly credible proof.

if its in paris im gonna be pissed

i want it to stay in america

Awww... Can't take it being in any of the other hundreds of countries in the world? There's more than just your precious America.

To be honest I think having a re done Vice City or San Andreas would be boring, I want something new and not a whole revamp of past games. I would like to see remakes of better San Andreas and Vice City but not yet.

Yeah, and so many people were screaming how if they remade Liberty they would boycott the game and never buy another GTA. Those same people ran out, bought the game, and raved about it. Never doubt Rockstar's decisions, they usually know what the hell they're doing. They are the ones with insane amounts of cash to throw at designers, marketing researchers, etc. Just trust them for once.

Artur's photo
Artur 5th November, 2009 @ 06:44 - Permalink

Lol good points Spaz as usual, and what the fuck I didn't know Jezz Torrent was still around haha :P Anyways yeah the Paris theory seems pretty good but like everyone else here I think they're just gonna make it Vice City.

The little picture could be... the Rocky Mountains making the game GTA Canada! Hahahaha that will never happen, ever.

TheGreemSim's photo
TheGreemSim 5th November, 2009 @ 19:41 - Permalink

I think the tear maybe part of a billboard from either San Andreas or Vice City. What I want to see in the future is 3 expansion packs like TBoGT and TLaTD, each based in one of the three GTA Cities.

I like the France, although I doubt it it's clever you worked that out.

JuneBug420's photo
JuneBug420 6th November, 2009 @ 16:54 - Permalink

Hey Guy's long time lurker,first time poster,Awesome site.

Anyhow I posted this on Gamefaqs but figured I'd tell you guys too,maybe your community can make something of It.

That lil rip on pg.13 Is Of a poster that Is located In the backroom of the porn shop In Hove Beach..I think It's Hove Beach,w/e the first town you start In when playin GTA4 vanilla.The one you pick up Roman up at when hangin out and do a job with Dimitri at.

Anyhow I stink with computers and all the new age stuff.But If ya get bored,check It out.I won't tell you anymore about It cause It's there for you too see for yourself.

Anyhow just figured this would be a good place to let folks now about that.

Have a good day fellow gamers.

Quick Edit:I found this while playin the Ballad,not sure If It's there In the original game or TLAD,but It's def there In the Ballad.

TheGreemSim's photo
TheGreemSim 6th November, 2009 @ 19:04 - Permalink

from another GTA forum theobvious.png

JuneBug420's photo
JuneBug420 6th November, 2009 @ 20:07 - Permalink

Yep that's the poster I was talkin about.

Good find on the pic's Green.I wish I was less of a computard cause I woulda posted em earlier.

Either way there It Is.

I wonder what,If anything It may mean.

I tried to find a website In-Game but had no luck.

Still pretty neat.

Also Mollis is a municipality in the canton of Glarus in Switzerland.

Mollis has an area, as of 2006, of 21.8 square kilometers (8.4 sq mi). Of this area, 41% is used for agricultural purposes, while 44.9% is forested. Of the rest of the land, 8.2% is settled (buildings or roads) and the remainder (5.9%) is non-productive (rivers, glaciers or mountains).[2]

The municipality is located on the right side of the Linth valley. It includes the area from the Linth Canal and Walensee to the Schlattbach in the Netstal. It consists of the village of Mollis and the hamlets of Beglingen on the Kerenzerberg and the alpine settlement of Mullern.

Doesn't sound like too much of a good location for a Game,but who knows.

It's made up of alot of German,Italian,an Albanians.Well at least that's what they speak anyhow.

Kinda useless info but I was bored.

TheGreemSim's photo
TheGreemSim 6th November, 2009 @ 20:45 - Permalink

The torn bit means nothing then, just tried to make it look real by making it seem "glued" over the poster in the porn shop

_Rx7_'s photo
_Rx7_ 7th November, 2009 @ 05:52 - Permalink

Im guttered!

I thought we were on to something :blink:

Rowie235's photo
Rowie235 7th November, 2009 @ 11:11 - Permalink

The picture underneath the rip may mean nothing, but i'd say thats not what we're meant to be focusing on. Obviously the rip is hiding something. Not a rip to reveal something underneath. You could easily fit a word next to or below the "Next stop." part.

Has anyone got the page in hi res?

Jezz Torrent's photo
Jezz Torrent 8th November, 2009 @ 03:51 - Permalink

if its in paris im gonna be pissed

i want it to stay in america

Awww... Can't take it being in any of the other hundreds of countries in the world? There's more than just your precious America.

dude fuck off. you annoy the shit out of me sometimes. all you ever do is piss off other members. why dont you do your job as a "super mod" and prevent fights from happening rather then provoke them

TheGreemSim's photo
TheGreemSim 8th November, 2009 @ 12:59 - Permalink
Im guttered!

I thought we were on to something

Probably still are, just not with the rip.

Rowie235's photo
Rowie235 8th November, 2009 @ 13:41 - Permalink

Yeah. It seems to me now that the whole "New York I Love You" poster similarity could be just there way of saying goodbye to liberty city, hence the broken heart. I doubt the other poster/movie is even relevant. But the rip is shaped almost perfectly like France. Too coincidental?

But I think we can all agree that the rip is removing something, rather than revealing.

TheGreemSim's photo
TheGreemSim 10th November, 2009 @ 19:06 - Permalink

I'm really beginning to warm to the idea of GTA: Paris(based city).

tipton78's photo
tipton78 11th November, 2009 @ 00:57 - Permalink

This is just a total shot in the dark, I think the game could have Packie as the main character because in the credits to the Ballad of Gay Tony it shows Packie going into the aiport with a dufflel bag. Just a fun guess but whatever

spike123131's photo
spike123131 11th November, 2009 @ 05:43 - Permalink

paris? damn idk about that. id rather have it in tokyo, houston, vice city, or some midwest city

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 11th November, 2009 @ 15:15 - Permalink

The only thing I can relate that to, is the Mount Chilliad from San Andreas, just because it looks sort of mountainous. Pretty thin, sure, but that's all I got.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 13th November, 2009 @ 17:22 - Permalink

if its in paris im gonna be pissed

i want it to stay in america

Awww... Can't take it being in any of the other hundreds of countries in the world? There's more than just your precious America.

dude fuck off. you annoy the shit out of me sometimes. all you ever do is piss off other members. why dont you do your job as a "super mod" and prevent fights from happening rather then provoke them

Good, cause you annoy the shit out of me, too. I'd like you to take note of how much angrier your post was than mine. And how yours was actually an attack at me. So, Jezz Torrent, I do believe you should take your own advice.

Glad the underlying picture was finally discovered. Unfortunately, it leaves us more in the dark than we already were. Oh well, keep trying, right?

_Ray's photo
_Ray 15th November, 2009 @ 14:58 - Permalink

To be honest I think having a re done Vice City or San Andreas would be boring, I want something new and not a whole revamp of past games. I would like to see remakes of better San Andreas and Vice City but not yet.

So the IV map was boring because it was a revamp of III/LCS? ^_^

Glad the underlying picture was finally discovered. Unfortunately, it leaves us more in the dark than we already were. Oh well, keep trying, right?

I wish I could read the names at the bottom, maybe they have clus in them or something, likes names scrambles up or real names linked to certain cities.

demon_h's photo
demon_h 21st November, 2009 @ 21:36 - Permalink

Paris?!? Hmm, I just can't imagine GTA being there...I't seems strange (to me).Lately I'm thinking of a beach with palms and beautiful women wearing nothing but bikinis :) Vice City with today's graphics will be very cool.I'm sure that Vice City + Directx11 will look amazing...

Deji's photo
Deji 22nd November, 2009 @ 01:54 - Permalink

That picture is not a clue to the next GTA. It's just a tease. The picture is part of another picture which has something to do with GTA Ads. The whole rip thing is where the title of the next GTA would've been if not for the rip. I'm sure if it was a clue, it'd be in the shape of a jigsaw piece, lol. If the piece was there, it'd clearly say "Vice City" (lol). Or maybe something different? Wind people up into thinking their isn't a vice city one coming and just making it a regenerated (and renamed) version of Vice City. never know with Rockstar :)

Artur's photo
Artur 23rd November, 2009 @ 01:53 - Permalink

Maybe Vesuvius Citrate is just code for VC? And it being located in the porn shop could be a reference to Candy Suxxx from the original Vice City.

Husky's photo
Husky 23rd November, 2009 @ 03:35 - Permalink

Has anyone noticed that this poster was posted in game?


In my opinion I thikn that its just a movie poster, and tells a story about the events in Grand Theft Auto IV. Err, like Yusuf Amir. In his Mega loft apartment he had the GTA IV credits playing on his TV in all of his cutscene's. Maybe he had bought it first because he's a billionare. And by " Next Stop " it's probably just another joke R* is pulling, just like that R.I.P CJ graffiti.

Vercetti Ghost's photo
Vercetti Ghost 12th December, 2009 @ 20:19 - Permalink

You guys are all putting waaay too much thought into this...it's just meant to make people anticipate and keep them guessing (exactly like we're all doing!). The rip is just supposed to mean that someone ripped out the title of the next game/city. They just want us to guess what words were there...the whole Paris angle was a fresh idea but now that we know that it wasnt trying to say that, it's time to move on.

Bear's photo
Bear 14th December, 2009 @ 11:42 - Permalink

I would personally love it to be France. I have never liked the idea of London. But Paris would be great. No idea what the clue is saying though.

deskpro256's photo
deskpro256 15th December, 2009 @ 17:15 - Permalink

from another GTA forum theobvious.png

this is great!and if u put all together its: Liberty city, It's over. Next stop. Prepare for the >>>explosion<<<.

that means the next gta is going to be a blast! cant wait for it. i dont really care where its going to be because i like all the gta's


what/where it will be- GTA kicks a*s!!!!

YoungFools's photo
YoungFools 16th December, 2009 @ 06:28 - Permalink

I'm definitely going to go with the idea that it is a hint for the next GTA. That tear is definitely placed there for a reason, and the reference to 'Opens March Everywhere' must mean an announcement will be made public in March.

As to the locations, well it could be a number of things, but i highly doubt it will be anywhere other than an english city. If it is a remake of other installments, Vice City does sound logical as Rockstar did remake vice city after Liberty City. But if you put the 'two posters' together, the volcano suggests to me it could be San Andreas.

Just a thought...

manian112's photo
manian112 19th December, 2009 @ 13:49 - Permalink

In my personal opinion, it haves to be Finland!

The gta iv web had clues of it on the traveling site.

It says... ''Finland, jackpot to live there? If you love drinking alot of alcohol, hear insults from other drunken people and get robbed on end of the day... You will love Finland!''

And Finland haves really huge crime rates, so it is one possibility.

And it would be perfect place for gta to be set in!

So, this is my personal opinion...

And there also is 3 pedestrians in gta iv that speak finnish!

And proofs go on, gta iv had big destroyed billboard with poster under it with some letters missing etc, but with little time and trying to see it more clearly it had Huge V on it but before that there was reading something that was took out, and then there was flag of Finland and under the flag there was reading. ''Suomi, maailman suurimmat rikostilastot!'' That means in english. ''Finland, the highest crime rates!''

So it haves to be in Finland! All these facts point to it!

argon's photo
argon 6th January, 2010 @ 11:49 - Permalink

I think that is the san andreas..

chris from rockstar's photo
chris from rockstar 23rd January, 2010 @ 08:20 - Permalink

i work for rockstar games and recently got fired so i can tell you that the next gta will be set in australia ,i worked for the australian team and they came up with setting the game in australiathe small tear on the page in the instruction manual is for an expantion pack were you can visit the classic liberty city that will be coming out in march 2010 however the expantion will only be for ps3 and xbox 360. gta v starts when there is a passenger heading for vice city in a plane but the plane crashes in the middle of australia you get rescued in a helicopter then you take over the helicopter fly to perth and get caught up in crime and corruption with no money and no home and no food. i hope this helps.

EvoLuTioN's photo
EvoLuTioN 23rd January, 2010 @ 11:21 - Permalink

How's L.A. Noir coming along mate?

Greensabre13.'s photo
Greensabre13. 23rd January, 2010 @ 12:01 - Permalink

How's L.A. Noir coming along mate?


I guess everybody got laid off, because I'm not aware of ANY form of Rockstar offices in Australia? ;)

Also, I'm sure an ex-employee of any business would use correct grammar and spell words correctly, unlike 'expantion'.

chris from rockstar's photo
chris from rockstar 24th January, 2010 @ 04:01 - Permalink

do your research. there is a rockstar office in australia its new its only project has been gta v you just wait until it comes out, then you will see. and who cares if i cant spell your just a little geek with no friends and your only girlfriend was in a videogame your probably some stupid teenager with no life. greensaber you have got no clue mate

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 24th January, 2010 @ 04:18 - Permalink

Well, your poor grammar lends credence to the theory you were fired from Rockstar. However, it's far more likely you're an attention-starved troll looking to kill some time in the vacuum that is your sad life. How's your mum's basement? I bet it's dark and damp. Perfect for vermin like you.

EvoLuTioN's photo
EvoLuTioN 24th January, 2010 @ 04:36 - Permalink

Cmon, Guiz stop poking the Rockstar guy. He's obviously sore bout being laid of and is typing very fast to tell us about GTA5, Punctuations and proper spellings and insignificant to the vast amount of knowledge we have received and hope to receive. Obviously


I guess everybody got laid off, because I'm not aware of ANY form of Rockstar offices in Australia? ;)

Also, I'm sure an ex-employee of any business would use correct grammar and spell words correctly, unlike 'expantion'.

You don'tknow bout the new Rockstar office in Australia? you're so silly lulz.

Tell us more Chris from Rockstar. We believers are intrigued

chris from rockstar's photo
chris from rockstar 24th January, 2010 @ 06:25 - Permalink

i got fired about halfway through production so i know a fair bit about it, how ever i know everything there is to know about the expantion pack e mail me with any quetions


EvoLuTioN's photo
EvoLuTioN 24th January, 2010 @ 06:57 - Permalink

Expantion Pack? Fantastic! Christopher the admin, Are you reading this? News post now!

chris from rockstar's photo
chris from rockstar 24th January, 2010 @ 10:28 - Permalink

the expantion pack contains exclusive areas including the classic liberty city and some parts of san andreas it has the same game engine as gta4 exept you can fly planes, sky dive (parachute) and you can also fly to other parts of the world (san andreas). the classic liberty city is added on to the the new liberty city. when i left, the guys were thinking about not putting it on to xbox 360 because it got lost and damned and the ballad of gay tony, whereas ps3 didn't

TM™'s photo
TM™ 24th January, 2010 @ 15:47 - Permalink

the expantion pack contains exclusive areas including the classic liberty city and some parts of san andreas it has the same game engine as gta4 exept you can fly planes, sky dive (parachute) and you can also fly to other parts of the world (san andreas). the classic liberty city is added on to the the new liberty city. when i left, the guys were thinking about not putting it on to xbox 360 because it got lost and damned and the ballad of gay tony, whereas ps3 didn't

You sir have a good imagination, this is what gives away your little game. Secondly your email address sounds like a little 10 year old made it, not professional, and I wouldn't think they'd like an email of that sort. I suggest you stop now before you get warned, impersonating a R* employee is against our rules. Read the rest of them if you don't believe me. If you really want us to believe you, prove it. And saying your fired and can't give information isn't going to cut it mate. Another thing is R* don't have a studio in Australia. Get your facts straight kid.

rosenberg's photo
rosenberg 25th January, 2010 @ 21:47 - Permalink

Well the ideal for me would be multiple u.s. cities. You could travel by plane from LC to VC or wherever else there is to go. But that woudnt happen for a very long time if ever

Greensabre13.'s photo
Greensabre13. 26th January, 2010 @ 05:23 - Permalink
do your research. there is a rockstar office in australia its new its only project has been gta v you just wait until it comes out, then you will see. and who cares if i cant spell your just a little geek with no friends and your only girlfriend was in a videogame your probably some stupid teenager with no life. greensaber you have got no clue mate

At least I don't go around pretending I'm someone else. I am also currently in a relationship with a non-virtual female, and I do actually have a few people I like to call my friends. Mate.

You sir have a good imagination, this is what gives away your little game. Secondly your email address sounds like a little 10 year old made it, not professional, and I wouldn't think they'd like an email of that sort. I suggest you stop now before you get warned, impersonating a R* employee is against our rules. Read the rest of them if you don't believe me. If you really want us to believe you, prove it. And saying your fired and can't give information isn't going to cut it mate. Another thing is R* don't have a studio in Australia. Get your facts straight kid.

He's 14, actually ;)

Also, if there was in fact a new R* office in Australia, I'm pretty sure we would have heard about it already.

EDIT: So a quick email search on the good old MySpace came up with one result for this 14 year old 'Rockstar employee'. See for yourselves. http://www.myspace.com/chrisamiles

hangman005's photo
hangman005 15th July, 2010 @ 05:50 - Permalink

Perhaps I am being a tad too logical, but if you notice the poster is a Volcano... and in the top right corner it had Vesuvius....... Judging by that... I would hazard a guess of Naples, Italy.

Strike9's photo
Strike9 15th July, 2010 @ 20:38 - Permalink

maybe nico returns back to the country he came from?

Or maybe its mt chiliad in san fiero Idk

TUN3R's photo
TUN3R 1st August, 2010 @ 09:58 - Permalink

If it's Vice City, high-five!

If it's France or any other non-American country like some dudes been saying then I'll kill myself.

Husky's photo
Husky 2nd August, 2010 @ 02:32 - Permalink

Vice City FTW.